Thursday, July 11, 2019

Unknown Suffering Thanks to Antidepressants

There is unknown suffering across the world that is only mentioned in hush tones and on various forums including Reddit and . I would only hypothesize that this is the most major crisis in mental health issues right now aside for the global movement against mental illness stigmas. There are many including myself that have spent a lifetime on these drugs and cannot get off. Some do,most don't and when they try it is often with devastating effects. A slew of symptoms occur anything from brain zaps to vertigo, vomiting and those that are similar to Heroin withdraw. I would also bet that many of these people have lives that are terribly disruptive to the point of reaching rock bottom such as myself. My hope has been disappointing for now and I am hanging on day to day and while that might seem traumatic to the lay person, to those of us going through this it is nothing unheard of . My 2nd theory also surmises that the children on these drugs from early ages that try to go off of them as a young adult or through acts of rebellion are more susceptible to committing violent crimes. This being because they have withdrawn too quickly from these drugs and lose there minds in the process. One would say this is the very reason that they should be on the drugs, because they are ill . However, I think this reasoning is actually not the reality in all cases. Listen I have no evidence but I would again presume that true mental illness in children would be helped more with therapy then drugs and the withdrawal of these said drugs are not truly a representation of mental health symptoms but actually withdrawal symptoms. Also the hormone factor plays a huge role especially in young girls with early trauma. I hear only whispers of these things. I certainly don't hear about them from many doctors and I have searched a lifetime for qualified medical professionals that communicate as my "team" trying to help me be the best I can be. However, now at 53 I am stuck and I mean stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I am not the only one theorizing about the relationship of children and violence and especially school shootings In November of 2017 televangelist Pat Robertston called for an investigation between antidepressants and mass shootings . Michael Moore documentary filmmaker and author has also spoken out about the very same subject. So it is not a subject that hasn't been noticed by others.
In 1999 CNN reported that Eric Harris one of the Coloumbine shooters was rejected from the military because he was under a doctors care and being prescribed antidepressant Luvox. Was Eric so distraught over his he rejection he stopped taking his meds abruptly and hit a psychotic break?
An article in Time magazine 2017, titled 13% of Americans Take Antidepressants
writes the following statistics . A new report from the National Center for Health Statistics shows that from 2011 through 2014, the most recent data available, close to 13% of people 12 and older said they took an antidepressant in the last month. That number is up from 11% in 2005-2008.
The most recent numbers have increased by nearly 65% since 1999-2002, when 7.7% of Americans reported taking an antidepressant.
Many people who took antidepressants, which are used to treat depression as well as anxiety, also reported using them longterm: 68% of people ages 12 and up said they had been taking their antidepressant for two years or more. A quarter of people who took antidepressants reported taking them for 10 years or more.
In the study authors also found that women were about twice as likely as men to say they took antidepressants, a trend that’s been evident for a few years. (Women are twice as likely to develop depression as men.) Antidepressant use also became more common as people became older. Has this made us happier?
As for myself ,no . It has been a living hell. One that has left a residue in my waking hours. I am not sure I will ever be functional again.

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